Those listed in red have passed away be it through accidents, Threadfall, or other reasons.
Those listed in purple have transferred to other Weyrs.
Ilsoth's 1st Clutch - Clutch No. 14
Gold Ilsoth x Bronze Tjainth
15 eggs: 1 gold, 1 bronze, 3 brown, 4 blue, 6 green
Gold Orayth Impressed to Eodarin
Blue Vintroth Impressed to Ariah
Green Ulsavath Impressed to D'ian
Bronze Exoth Impressed to Pl'er
Brown Belgogth Impressed to C'ius
Brown Waspenbth Impressed to Fa'tem
Brown Xobith Impressed to P'to
Blue Bilonth Impressed to E'on
Blue Erdanith Impressed to E'lon
Blue Tresanth Impressed to St'vor
Green Eganeth Impressed to Kp'ler
Green Hatipath Impressed to M'dor
Green Juphoteth Impressed to C'ork
Green Koiceth Impressed to R'drew
Green Tatoith Impressed to L'ke
Ixtabith's 1st Clutch - Clutch No. 13
Gold Ixtabith x Bronze Unvreth
20 eggs: 1 gold, 2 bronze, 5 brown, 5 blue, 7 green
Gold Ruebalith Impressed to Shailaja
Bronze Temurth Impressed to Sh'wn
Green Lyddieth Impressed to Th'or (Adoptable)
Bronze Ceratoth Impressed to S'mum
Brown Alvinelath Impressed to P'jana
Brown Enhydth Impressed to L'ris
Brown Mungoth Impressed to H'dae
Brown Rangifeth Impressed to T'dus
Brown Sinenth Impressed to A'dae
Blue Aratuth Impressed to P'ni
Blue Lophiith Impressed to P'gii
Blue Oreamnoth Impressed to M'eric
Blue Pocamth Impressed to H'inae
Blue Surth Impressed to M'imus
Green Caudath Impressed to S'idea
Green Lakibth Impressed to C'lus
Green Mellivorath Impressed to E'sis
Green Pharomath Impressed to M'ino
Green Ulputh Impressed to C'nis
Green Xocrath Impressed to O'rvus
Cassiath's 3rd Clutch - Clutch No. 12
Gold Cassiath x Bronze Renth
20 eggs: 0 gold, 2 bronze, 4 brown, 7 blue, 7 green
Bronze Dharryth Impressed to Fl'zel
Brown Brifuth Impressed to Ph'yn
Brown Idaeth Impressed to A'rin
Bronze Iaceath Impressed to T'ek
Brown Basheth Impressed to D'lon
Brown Berneth Impressed to J'sse
Blue Chanath Impressed to B'yle
Blue Ebuiath Impressed to I'pe
Blue Enigmath Impressed to J'son
Blue Lentith Impressed to C'mron
Blue Odanarith Impressed to T'darian
Blue Skelath Impressed to M'tock
Blue Yrtath Impressed to K'rri
Green Geneth Impressed to E'lli
Green Odearth Impressed to A'nek
Green Roniuth Impressed to Z'br
Green Shantarth Impressed to Ti'ak
Green Spyroth Impressed to E'ny
Green Tamath Impressed to B'then
Green Westreth Impressed to V'rn
Cassiath's 2nd Clutch - Clutch No. 10
Gold Cassiath x Bronze Jraireth
24 eggs: 1 gold, 4 bronze, 6 brown, 8 blue, 5 green
Gold Merth Impressed to Kerali
Bronze Phineth Impressed to B'ton
Bronze Suarath Impressed to L'el
Brown Stelinth Impressed to L'av
Blue Aronth Impressed to Safiya
Green Cloicroth Impressed to Mariel
Bronze Errolth Impressed to F'nn
Bronze Keremth Impressed to J'im
Brown Adeth Impressed to K'yal
Brown Enceth Impressed to O'to
Brown Mooth Impressed to K'roo
Brown Yzeth Impressed to Tr'ick
Brown Zaphoth Impressed to M'vin
Blue Cornelianth Impressed to Ph'l
Blue Davith Impressed to N'son
Blue Delyafrith Impressed toJ'hnie
Blue Nweth Impressed to P'lau
Blue Ossiumth Impressed to G'ge
Blue Twawth Impressed to B'well
Blue Vocermth Impressed to De'tta
Green Audryilth Impressed to Ru'peh
Green Carmeth Impressed to M'rand
Green Cilleath Impressed to All'ci
Green Teiabeth Impressed to Be'tec
Xaeth's 5th Clutch - Clutch No. 9
Hatched 755.06.04
Gold Xaeth x Bronze Mwoth
17 Eggs: 0 gold, 2 bronze, 3 brown, 5 blue, 7 green
Bronze Jalath Impressed to K'llian
Bronze Voldranth Impressed to F'min
Brown Skarth Impressed to M'le
Blue Riordanth Impressed to Mohria
Green Esath Impressed to Raelii
Green Nuaeth Impressed to S'eos
Brown GrethImpressed to H'sul
Brown Ypilth Impressed to Sn'el
Blue Menelauth Impressed to M'pho
Blue Odalth Impressed to J'yne
Blue Ruellath Impressed to D'vil
Blue Styth Impressed to H'dan
Green Cilath Impressed to Ch'shire
Green Hymoth Impressed to Cr'tus
Green Isleyth Impressed to Aryn
Green Lequinth Impressed to J'ker
Green Maleficeth Impressed to Ph'y
Feyruth's 3rd Clutch - Clutch No. 8
Hatched 753.08.14
Gold Feyruth x Bronze Kaeoth
34 Eggs: 1 gold, 3 bronze, 7 brown, 11 blue, 12 green
Gold Kayeth Impressed to Nyalle
Bronze Zhirazoth Impressed to Mr'az
Green Rinanneth Impressed to Z'koud
Bronze Jyth Impressed to Th'oy
Bronze Snyth Impressed to W'hom
Brown Chatanath Impressed to D'nun
Brown Itharth Impressed to T'tab
Brown Mostanoith Impressed to N'das
Brown Ruvth Impressed to C'pir
Brown Uiwith Impressed to L'xen
Brown Warserolth Impressed to V'ray
Brown Ynoith Impressed to Z'ild
Blue Bliengith Impressed to I'ves
Blue Denkeloth Impressed to G'jan
Blue Dynarth Impressed to P'nys
Blue Garburath Impressed to Mr'che
Blue Osessocth Impressed to S'nul
Blue Taitasokth Impressed to Lh'skel
Blue Vortoryth Impressed to I'kol
Blue Verazth Impressed to M'herr
Blue Xrehonoth Impressed to Ab'lern
Blue Yertinenth Impressed to N'folm
Blue Zhith Impressed to Ak'oth
Green Aebeluth Impressed to N'amr
Green Eldosoth Impressed to Br'am
Green Ferywth Impressed to I'z
Green Hatinth Impressed to Z'bby
Green Jynaleth Impressed to A'th
Green Kimyth Impressed to L'roy
Green Loendath Impressed to M'lorv
Green Nienoeth Impressed to V'nc
Green Okath Impressed to Ch'is
Green Peranyth Impressed to F'fal
Green Quegarith Impressed to Ti'mm
Cassiath's 1st Clutch - Clutch No. 7
Hatched 752.02.13
Gold Cassiath x Bronze Finbarith
13 Eggs: 0 gold, 1 bronze, 2 brown, 4 blue, 6 green
NPC clutches do not have individual listings
Xaeth's 4th Clutch - Clutch No. 6
Hatched 751.06.18
Gold Xaeth x Bronze Mwoth
20 Eggs: 0 gold, 3 bronze, 3 brown, 7 blue, 7 green
Brown Draith Impressed to K'ev
Blue Noth Impressed to M'lo
Blue Tapoth Impressed to I'vor
Green Byouth Impressed to Dr'stin
Bronze Eceroth Impressed to K'apu
Bronze Hvanth Impressed to P'ol
Bronze Impressed to Tr'san
Brown Barqeth Impressed to C'mir
Brown Diwith Impressed to R'citu
Blue Ghiavaneth Impressed to Es'oda
Blue Hosath Impressed to W'ough
Blue Iakith Impressed to D'uv
Blue Isoruth Impressed to M'rumu
Blue Pulimith Impressed to N'sar
Green Awawith Impressed to Ku'ik
Green Drensyth Impressed to H'vik
Green Ebeth Impressed to N'vuk
Green Idufuth Impressed to H'buk
Green Tauathogth Impressed to B'gah
Green Zovth Impressed to F'amn
Feyruth's 2th Clutch - Clutch No. 5
Hatched 749.01.13
Gold Feyruth x Bronze Denskith
10 Eggs: 1 gold, 1 bronze, 1 brown, 2 blue, 5 green
Gold Cassiath Impressed to Deimara
Brown Gosturth Impressed to Z'en
Blue Waiith Impressed to Neska
Bronze Aluath Impressed to G'tav
Blue Indeth Impressed to S're
Green Alexath Impressed to J'in
Green Bonjeth Impressed to D'vis
Green Onroyth Impressed to X'by
Green Reuserth Impressed to H'rrell
Green Vadosth Impressed to L'ren
Xaeth's 3rd Clutch - Clutch No. 4
Hatched 748.10.17
Gold Xaeth x Bronze Finbarith
15 Eggs: 0 gold, 1 bronze, 2 brown, 4 blue, 5 green
NPC clutches do not have individual listings
Feyruth's 1st Clutch - Clutch No. 3
Hatched 747.02.08
Gold Feyruth x Bronze Dhavoth
16 Eggs: 0 gold, 3 bronze, 4 brown, 4 blue, 5 green
Bronze Kalendaeth Impressed to Ya'ri
Brown Enolth Impressed to P'wyn
Green Ayreth Impressed to Leeana
Green Matajith Impressed to Chandi
Bronze Iaumyth Impressed to N'nys
Bronze Snerth Impressed to T'ryn
Brown Cheirith Impressed to L'dar
Brown Keluth Impressed to K'huc
Brown Lerpoluth Impressed to R'que
Blue Cohineth Impressed to H'lor
Blue Oestokth Impressed to J'is
Blue Rantinitth Impressed to Y'nex
Blue Roohonubth Impressed to T'shy
Green Toueldith Impressed to R'suj
Green Wartasouth Impressed to D'tia
Green Zhuouth Impressed to L'riy
Xaeth's 2nd Clutch - Clutch No. 2
Hatched 743.09.21
Gold Xaeth x Bronze Kraketh
12 Eggs: 1 gold, 0 bronze, 3 brown, 3 blue, 5 green
Brown Tsemeth Impressed to I'son
Green Fremeth Impressed to F'siel
Green Nadiath Impressed to Emmaline
Gold Feyruth Impressed to Janja
Brown Kyindieth Impressed to T'yle
Brown Pavath Impressed to C'as
Blue Byrsath Impressed to Kl'orn
Blue Ormorth Impressed to R'boh
Blue Zoiometh Impressed to C'sar
Green Aeageoith Impressed to Y'ine
Green Dauendath Impressed to J'cek
Green Iviaeth Impressed to M'eran
Xaeth's 1st Clutch - Clutch No. 1
Hatched 739.05.16
Gold Xaeth x Bronze Coresanth
10 Eggs: 0 gold, 1 bronze, 2 brown, 2 blue, 5 green
Brown Valtheoth Impressed to M'ac
Blue Dnocesth Impressed to Ed'ard
Bronze Ghaeth Impressed to Z'bat
Brown Theryth Impressed to R'zul
Blue Faeengath Impressed to L'rav
Green Aboith Impressed to T'tai
Green Dynuskalth Impressed to D'cim
Green Keaenylth Impressed to M'hon
Green Tanimuth Impressed to B'huy
Green Voridth Impressed to P'cad