Borgcomm Help

BorgComm is a flexible and powerful system for both communications and player management. For help on the various commands, try out the +help topics below:

Topics for Borgcomm
BorgComm-User User commands
BorgComm-Admin Admin commands
BorgComm-Templates Introduction to the templates
BorgComm-Template-Commands Template related commands
BorgComm-Advanced More advanced help

Type '+Help <topic>' for details.


Syntax Purpose
+comm Show version information
+comm/list List all knots
<code> +me Join a public knot
<code> -me Leave a public knot
<code> +quiet Quiet a knot so that you hear no speech
<code> -quiet Unquiet a knot again
=<code> <text> Say <text> on the <code> knot
=<code> :<text> Pose <text> on the <code> knot
=<code> ;<text> Pose <text> on the <code> knot without
a space between your name and <text>
=<code> |<text> Emit <text> on the <code> knot without your
name prefacing <text>
=<code>/<field> <text> Say, pose or emit <text> to all users whose
<field> matches yours
<code> .who List connected users
<code> .who/all List all users.
<code> .who/admins List all admins on <code>
<code> .who/<field>:<txt> List all users whose <field> matches <txt>
<code> .who <template> List connected users using template <template>
<code> .who <template>/<field>:<txt> List all users whose <field> matches <text>
using template <template>
<code> .motd View <code>'s message of the day
<code> +ignore <player> Ignore all speech by <player> on <code>
<code> -ignore <player> Remove a previously imposed ignore
<code> .who/ignoring List all players you are ignoring on <code>
<code> .who/ignoredby List all players who are ignoring you on <code>
<code> .fields List <code>'s fields
<code> .field <player>/<field> Shows <player>'s <field> field on <code>


The admins (including all wizards) on the knots may use the following commands to control those knots:

Syntax Purpose
<code> +admin <player> Add <player> as admin
<code> -admin <player> Remove <player> as admin
<code> +user <player> Add <player> as user
<code> -user <player> Remove <player> as user
<code> =motd <text> Set MOTD
<code> +motd <text> Add <text> to MOTD
<code> -motd Clear MOTD
<code> +text <field> Add text field
<code> -text <field> Remove text field
<code> =text <user>/<field>=<text> Set <user>'s text <field> to <text>
<code> +boolean <field> Add boolean field
<code> -boolean <field> Remove boolean field
<code> =boolean <user>/<field>=on|off Set <user>'s boolean <field> on or off
<code> .fields List fields
<code> +restrict <field> Restrict <field> to admins only
<code> -restrict <field> Unrestrict field
<code> +squelch <player> Mute <player> on <code>
<code> -squelch <player> Remove <player>'s mute on <code>
<code> cleanup Remove non-player users and admins

The templates may also be set by admins.


A template is the format that the output from a knot user listing (.who) is displayed with. It consists of a list of fields and the width each field should be in the output. The field is seperated from the width by a colon. The total width, including spaces between fields, should be no more than 75 characters. Each template has a name, up to ten characters. The default template is called "Default".


The following knot system commands manipulate templates:

Syntax Purpose
<code> =template <template>=<field list> Sets <template> to use <field list>.
<code> -template <template> Deletes <template> from use.
<code> .template <template> Shows the field list for <template>.
<code> .templates Lists the available templates.

Example <field list>: Quiet:1 Name:15 Sex:3 Location:30 Idle:4


Borgcomm Knot Types

Essentially, there are only two types of knots that are used by ordinary players: public and private.

Public: Public knots are those which any players can add and remove themselves from.

Private: These knots are those which an admin has to add or remove a player.

Field Types

The columns shown in a .who are called fields. There are five field types: Code, Text, Boolean and List. The command '<code> .fields' lists all of a knot's fields, and should be looked at while reading the following help.

Code: Coded fields are those which admins cannot set and are worked out via a small piece of code. They are fields like Sex, Name, and Location.

Text: These are fields which admins can set using the '<code> =text' command and consist of a text string. The Position field on most knots is an example of this.

Boolean: These fields are either on (yes) or off (no) and can only be set one of these two ways. An example is the Quiet field.

List: These fields cannot be changed by admins and contain data in the form of a list. Examples are the Ignoring, IgnoredBy and User lists.

In all the knot system commands, <field> values may be one of those listed above. In a command like '<code> .who/<field>:<text>' <text> is necessary for all the field types except for list fields. <text> may also be a wildcard string, like '*John*'. A command like '<code> .who/ignoring' is therefore just the above command without ':<text>' since Ignoring is a List field.

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