Mutter help

mutter <target>=<string>
mutter/tt <target>=<string>
mutter/place <place number>=<string>

The first form of this command behaves identically to "whisper", except that the other players in the room will see that you have said something. A regular message, or part of a pose enclosed in "quotes", will have some of its words or groups of words replaced by "…" If you enclose a phrase with <angle brackets>, it will not be replaced. Poses without "quotes" will simply show that you have muttered something. <target> can be any player in the same room as you.

The second form of this command behaves like the first, except that instead of the entire room hearing the mutter, only people at a place will do so. If you are at a place, those at your place will hear the mutter, if you are not, and the target is, those at that place will hear the mutter. If neither of you are at a place, an error message will be generated.

The final version of this command allows everyone at a place to hear the message in full, while the rest of the room hears the mutter.

Mutter examples:

mutter Finndo=Can you loan me thirty Pence? I'm broke!
Meg mutters to Finndo, "Can… loan… thirty… broke!"

mutter Bleys=:frowns. "What a <cheapskate> he is!" She shrugs.
Meg frowns. She mutters to Bleys, "What… cheapskate…" She shrugs.

mutter/place 1=:chuckles. "Thank you very much."
Meg chuckles. She mutters to the long, mahogany bar, "Thank you…"

mutter/tt Deirdre=Where did you hide those Trumps?
At the bar, Meg mutters to Deirdre, "Where… Trumps?"

This code was written by Deirdre@AmberMUSH.

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